A Tribute Video commemorates an honorea utilizing video interviews from friends and family, photos and music. Serving San Jose, San Francisco Bay Area and Marin County.
pice up a photo collage with interviews from friends and family, a music video or some other original video skit. Your words add an even more personal touch to any photo collage.
If interviewees or other activities are in the San Francisco Bay area, Infinity can video tape the interviews and integrate them into the photo collage. We would also be happy to assist in arranging the services of other professional videographers outside of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Infinity can also integrate home video clips if you prefer to take them yourself. However, you should note that the quality often does not meet the standards of the rest of the production.
Tribute videos work especially well for retirement parties, parent’s birthdays, etc., often in lieu of extended toasts, and they make great Christmas gifts! It is sometimes easier to record you works of appreciation on videotape, where you can stop and start over if needed. The interviews are generally intermixed with photos, film and/or other images as appropriate. Music is played in the background to blend the interviews with the photos.